Murder at 5000 Feet

Detective Jerry Kline and Sergeant Benny Kekoa of the Honolulu Police Department were returning to Honolulu after delivering a criminal to the San Francisco Police Department. They would be flying back on a Pan American Airways flying boat the Hawaii Clipper to Pearl Harbor. Sit back as the flying boat lifts off from San Francisco waters, passes over the Golden Gate Bridge and heads out over the Pacific to its first stop at Hawaii Islands on scheduled flight to take them on to Midway Island, Wake Island, Guam and finally to Manila in the Philippines. The eighteen-hour flight to Hawaii should have been a routine flight. However, halfway to Pearl Harbor, Professor William Beckmeyer staggered down the passageway from the sleeping area and collapsed near Kline, dying; with a long-bladed knife in his back. So much for a relaxing flight. In the next nine hours, two detectives would investigate, trying to find the killer and answer the question, ‘why was the professor killed in the first place’. Join the two officers as they seek answers from nine other passengers. As the hours tick away and the clipper races to Pearl Harbor, can the pair get the answers they need? Now boarding… please enjoy your flight!
Murder of the Tatooed Geisha

In the mid-sixteen hundred’s, on the coast of Japan near the city of Kobe, twins were born to a rice farmer and his wife. However, as the years went by, poverty rose for Goto Uchijima, his wife Yoko and the twin girls Hanako and Miki. Life became hard for the Uchijima family – until finally the twins were sold to a geisha procurer. However, only Hanako would become a geisha, while Miki was sold to a police magistrate before reaching Edo. Separated, the twins would travel two far-different roads. Follow them as they grow and find love – before tragedy strikes and brings them back together again.
Lady Samurai

In the year 1608, during the reign of shogun Hidetada Tokagawa, two northern clans found themselves at odds. The Yoshimura clan and the Oda clan knew they were soon to be in open warfare and with that in mind the Oda clan attacked the Yoshimura castle killing every man woman and child save, Akiko, their eldest daughter and four retainers. She and her four loyal samurai retainers would build a force that would seek revenge for her family. Akiko would not forget the picture in her mind of her father, mother, and two brothers stripped naked and crucified for the birds and animals to feed on as they hung in the castle courtyard. Her revenge would be complete and absolute. Along the way to that revenge she makes lasting friends, learns more about being a samurai and fines love in a place she did not think possible.
‘Imi ’Ike’s Great Adventure

If your children enjoy fiction books that will teach them about dolphins in the Hawaiian Islands, then this second book in a series by Jim Kilpatrick is perfect for you. The ‘Great Adventures’ takes ‘Imi ‘iki, the dolphin who learned to spin, and actually taught other dolphins his trade, and helps readers learn even more about ‘Imi ‘iki’s family. You’ll have fun with him while swimming the beautiful waters of Hawaii. The cover and graphic illustrations are beautifully drawn by Kristin Lindsley.
‘Imi ’Ike Learns to Spin

Long ago, in and around the Hawaiian Islands, there were bottlenose dolphins, but these dolphins did not know how to spin in the air. They did leap but only to breathe the air and then to dive deep to seek the safety of the ocean, away from the loko ‘ino sharks that swam in the seas always looking to attack the dolphins. The evilest of those sharks was a scare covered shark named Pupuka. Among the many dolphins was a pod named Haku. This is the story of ‘Imi ‘ike and how he learned to spin and how he taught the others of his pod and how it spread to all the other bottlenose dolphins around the Hawaiian Islands.
A Little Piece of Heaven

The world was a different place in 1957, when seven young boys were tossed together on a four-square-mile island in the Pacific Ocean. They would soon experience all the emotions that life could provide for them. Wake had been a battleground during the early days of World War II and the boys spent their free time exploring bunkers, trenches, and pillboxes seeking souvenirs of days past. They grew up finding their first loves and watching them depart as well. Every day and night was a new adventure. They learned about themselves and the safe island home. Along the way they laughed, cried, learned about life—sometimes the hard way and they found a happiness that no one could take away from them. Join them as they grow into young teenagers and finally leave their little piece of heaven for a world far from the peace they had known on Wake Island. Kilpatrick’s father was working for the Civil Aeronautics Administration (CAA), installing and repairing radar facilities to aid in the ever-growing commercial air travel industry. Dad had a chance to transfer to Wake Island, and the 10-year-old James and his family moved from Bradford, Illinois to the new adventure. Kilpatrick has organized his book into short chapters, so it is easy to read. Start in the middle, go to the back and return to the front, so fun; you can put the book down and enjoy another chapter later or the photos. Each chapter describes a memorable teenage incident. There’s the sunglasses incident, the Trojan horse, live ammo, fake bingo card, Boy Scout and co-ed camping trips, weightlifting, Karate school…and then, of course, there’s The Red Bra Incident! No matter where YOU were raised, follow James down memory lane, and get a copy of this softly shared biography for yourself, or as a gift. Lastly, get ready to grin while enjoying “A Little Piece of Heaven… Growing up on Wake Island”!
Stand at Ease

Roosevelt Military Academy has graduated some very proud students and Jim Kilpatrick is one of those. This author has brought forward a book for all to read and be able to enjoy events from his academy life there in the 60s. Come with us now to read and share with Jim his high school life there. Expect to be amused and serious all in one sitting.
Murder by E-mail

Lt. James Hong and Sgt. C.J. Jones of the Honolulu police are plunged into a strange mystery in paradise. Someone is killing women during e-mail chat. Each murder is more violent than the preceding one. Several suspects present themselves, but each one is a dead end for the duo. Pressure from the press and their own inability to solve the case lead Sgt. Jones to risking her own life as she goes undercover, setting herself up as the next possible victim. It will be one close call after another as Hong and Jones go to the limit to stop the Murder by E-mail killer. The novel is more than just a mystery as the lives of all the characters — Hong, Jones and the suspects–are revealed. – Hawaiian police are baffled.! The murders of three rich, beautiful women seem unrelated. The women didn’t know each other. Didn’t have any friends in common. The only things in common was that all were between thirty-five and forty years old, lived alone, were murdered in front of their living room computers, – AND… all were nude when found – with a white rose beside the bodies! James Kilpatrick has done a GREAT job on his newest novel! So see how the crimes are solved… order “Murder by E-mail” now. Here’s a totally different twist on murder mysteries — Murder by E-mail! And I loved it! It’s set in Hawaii, with all that natural beauty involved. But then again, each of the murdered women was beautiful, young, living alone, and found nude, with a white rose beside each body! It’s an intriguing police-department story, and the cops can’t figure it out. But the women’s computers show that each woman HAD been chatting online with… oops, now we’ve got cybersex involved, too… yes, with some pretty high-up Hawaiian businessmen. What a book…it really keeps you turning pages. Excellent dialogue, well written, easy reading! Intriguing detective work…a woman cop goes undercover (so to speak). There are husbands and wives…and secretaries and hired hit-men.